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diX Coating System - DACS-0800V

This machine is specially designed for conformal coating using CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) process. The machine consists of four portions, which are Evaporation-Disintegration Room, Deposition Chamber, Chiller Unit, and Vacuum Pump. The actual coating process is done under the decompression environment, and the coating flow would be as follows.

   1. diX Dimer(Powder)is vaporized in Vaporizer. (Evaporation-Disintegration Room)
   2. diX would be pyrolyzed in Pyrolizer under the temperature of 650°C ~ 700°C, turns to be        the radical monomer.(Evaporation -Disintegration Room)
   3. The radical monomer is pulled into the Deposition Chamber. (Deposition Chamber)
   4. As the radical monomer of diX touches with the surface of the object, it forms high molecule        polyparaxylilene layer. (Deposition Chamber)

1. Full automation 2. For mass production 3.Simple components
All of the coating process can be done automatically. This machine has large deposition chamber. So it is great for especially mass production. Both horizontal(DACS-0070H) and vertical (DACS-0800V) deposition chambers are designed to connect to each portion. This system will help to reduce the cost of purchasing another machine.

1. Main Unit
Power Supply : 200V 3phase 14KVA
Size : 1,500(W)x700(D)x1,400(H)    *Patlite(400(H)) is excluded
• Touch panel
Size : 350(W)x250(D)x400(H)
Automatic Temp. Control : 5 set
• Vaporizer
Size : 90(A)xL370
Vaporizer Temp is feedback control by hamber value
• Pyrolizer
Size : 50(A)xL1,076
Heater Size : ID90xOD290xL950

2. Deposition Chamber
Type: 0800V
• Chamber
Size : ID800xH800
Acrylic lid : Rotary slided type
Rotation : 0.5~20rpm
Capacity : Max 300 Kg
Turn table : 5 Rack layer
Accessories : intake and out rectification, flat type chamber heater (2 set), wheels and fix unit
3. Chiller Unit
Main trap size : 200AxL250
Handy cooler : Thomas
Cooling coil size : ø150Axø8x12roll
Trap size : ø170xL265
Ability : -75~-85C
4. Vacuum Pump
Type : ULVAC EC603
Ability : 1,000 L/min (50/60Hz)6.7x10-1pa
Accessories : electric valve, anti oil back valve, pirani gauge, connection tube, oil mist trap

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